Monday 17 June 2013

Homemade midi ring

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I myself have very short skinny fingers, which can be extremely annoying, since many rings don't actually fit me. I saw midi rings and fell in-love with them, and instantly wanted some, so I decided to make my own.

I am not great at making my own things, and they usually turn out a bit rubbish but I knew these rings would be fool proof!

I instantly took to my jewellery drawers and found a cheap old necklace that I didn't care for any more  and decided to use it for my ring.
It's quite simple really;

  •  I took the chain off the necklace and I wrapped it around my finger, just around my knuckle and counted how many chain loops their where.
  •  When I found out how many chain loops I needed, I opened the end of the loop with some old tweezers (you will know where to open it, as there will be a little slit which you can pry open)
  • I then placed the opened end through the beginning and pushed them back together with the tweezers, and it was complete!
Of course, the rings aren't perfect, they're home made but I like them that way! (Alternatively instead of tweezers you can use actual tools such as pliers! But I'm an amateur!)

It's simple and easy to make, and there are probably many YouTube tutorials that are much easier, better and look nicer. Try them out!

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  1. I love midi rings! Thanks for the DIY :)
    You should check out my blog!
